Check out these easy and effective tips
for reducing your energy costs!
Spring has sprung, and that means lots of time outdoors:
long walks with the dog, picnics in the park, and countless hours in the yard
and garden. Spending time to spruce up the outside of your home is a great way
to take advantage of the fair weather, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect
the inside!
While you’re outside soaking up rays of sunshine, your
utility bills may be getting more expensive due to inefficiency in your home.
Warm weather can be tough on your wallet, but you can fight back. Check out
these easy and effective tips for reducing your energy costs!
Your Home, Unplugged
You’ve been huddled up inside all winter in front of the
television and computer. Now that spring is finally here, it’s time to unplug
those electronics and get your family outside. Even when off, televisions, DVD
players, computers, printers, stereos, and other electronics can draw
surprisingly large amounts of power, which translates to higher energy costs.
This is called “vampire power” because it sucks energy. Do your budget a favor
by unplugging these machines or using a “smart” power strip, which shuts off
power to electronics that go on standby.
Why should you continue to pay for the power to run these machines when
you’re not using them? Unplug your
energy-suckers and spend the extra cash at the ice cream truck.
Your Home, Re-plugged
Nothing feels better than stepping into a cool,
air-conditioned house after a hard day’s work in the garden. But while you were
pulling weeds and planting bulbs, that precious cool air may have been escaping
out of various leaks and holes in your home. Sealing air ducts, upgrading
insulation, and plugging up leaks in your attic and basement will regulate the
cool, refreshing climate that you strive for while plugging up financial leaks
in your energy bills. Air conditioning is expensive — don’t let it slip through
the cracks!
Stay Cool as Temperatures Rise
As outdoor temperatures go up, you may be
tempted to cool down by turning your thermostat down. However, there are other
ways to stay cool indoors while leaving that thermostat setting where it is.
Reward yourself with a refreshing cool shower after playing baseball in the
park and you’ll be less inclined to kick up the air conditioning when you’re
can also use the spring and summer as perfect opportunities to ignore your oven
and fire up your outdoor grill and cook delicious meals for your family. Heating
up the oven can drastically increase the temperature in your kitchen and your
home, which means you’ll be forced to blast the air conditioning just to stay
comfortable! Besides, there’s nothing
better than chicken or a burger pulled right off the grill — nothing, that is,
except saving money on your utility bills.
Regular Tune-Ups
And don’t forget to schedule regular
tune-ups! Keeping your system maintained and running efficiently will also help
reduce those pesky energy bills. Your Air conditioner is like a car in that it
runs best when properly maintained. Regular tune-ups can also prevent your
system from failing at an inconvenient time. And don’t worry, the savings from
regular tune-ups will offset the cost of the service.
Employing even one of these cost-cutting
tips can dramatically reduce your energy costs and the impact of your home on
the environment, which gives you the peace-of-mind you need to truly enjoy the
You can rest assured that your home is
running as efficiently as possible. So,
conserve your energy — you’re going to need it!