Most people are aware that time falls back on November 4, 2012 for Daylight Savings Time—or the first Sunday in November. Along with changing your clocks for daylight savings, the International Fire Chiefs Association and All Seasons Heating and Cooling Service Company wants to remind you to also change the batteries in your Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Monitors.
“Change Your Clock Change Your Battery”
Have you ever been woken up at say 2 or 3 a.m. by a screeching alarm? I have and it is not a pleasant thing. There are many devices such as smoke detectors, water detectors, and CO Monitors that have batteries. When the batteries get low and need to be replaced; some of these devices let you know in a very rude manner. Of course the batteries only get low in the middle of the night when you are in your deepest sleep.

Now is a good time to replace your batteries in these devices as you change the clocks in your home so you too won’t have an unnerving experience when you are sound asleep and the alarm awakens you.
Just Remember: First Sunday in November, to change your clock to fall back for fall and to change your batteries.