Have a fashion show!
Get everyone to dress up in the silliest clothes they can find, and then make a show out of it, complete with announcements, twirls, music, and poses. The winner is the family member who manages to stay in character the whole way through.

Everyone loves a rainy day fort, so get some boxes, cushions, blankets and pillows together in the living room and see how big and comfortable a structure you can build! Bonus tip – the best forts contain entire mattresses and have signs on the door.

Spice up a board game!
Play a family favorite board game, but make it so that the loser has to do something useful, like dishes, or silly, like sing a song in front of everyone. You’ll be amazed how much more energy the kids will put into the game when there’s something, no matter how small, at stake!
Plan a bake-off!
Think up some great cakes, cupcakes, cookies or muffins, and get everyone together to bake them, preferably as messily as possible! Then you can all try each one, and decide whose idea came out the best. Really though, with cake, everyone’s the winner.

Get a blanket, get some nice finger food, dress up in shorts, t-shirts and sunglasses and have a summer’s day picnic in the middle of the living room! The best part of this is no wasps, flies, or mosquitoes!
Go sledding if we have snow and you can find a safe hill. If we don’t get any snow, you can use card board boxes year round!