Beware of Too Good To Be True Tune-up Prices

These days we all get in the mail, hear on the radio, and watch on TV commercials these ridiculously low priced ads for heating and cooling tune-ups. Really, what can you expect for a $39, $49, or even $99 Tune-up?
It simply costs more than that in overhead just to send a well trained technician to your home.
Some companies can do it at a loss, and then make it up once they are in your home by charging you extra for each little thing that will need to be done.
When was the last time you bought anything of quality and value and paid next to nothing for it? It is a very rare occurrence if ever, correct?
Bottom line: A professional and thorough tune-up will cost more than $99.00. Be sure your tune-up is being performed by a N.A.T.E. (North American Technical Excellence) certified technician. The tune-up should include extensive inspection and cleaning of components, electrical and safety tests, refrigerant charge verification as to a correct charge, and a static air pressure test to verify the performance of your ductwork. If any issues are found after the cleaning and inspections; your/the technician will have solutions for you to consider.
Is the company advertising a tune-up and giving you an inspection. Think about your car. You pay each year to have an inspection. At the inspection, the inspector examines your car and tells you of the problems that you have to pass inspection. The inspector does not change your oil, put air in your tire, clean your car. He inspects it. If you get a tune-up on your car it can mean that the throttle body was cleaned and spark plugs changed and many other items.
Remember: There is a difference between an inspection and tune-up.
Remember ask what that inexpensive tune-up includes and ask questions before hand if you are not sure if they are offering an inspection or tune-up. To be a victim of the low price tune-up that gives you a less than superior inspection of your system with lots of expensive add on items to get the superior tune-up that you are accustomed to.
Yes, and if its too good to be true then you should suspect or think twice about the pricing.
ReplyDeleteair cond. Bel Air
I really hope that I can find something similar to these prices and deals from heating and cooling in
ReplyDeleteFredericksburg, VA.
This is a very useful and custom info you have shared here regarding heating and cooling.
ReplyDeleteHeating & Cooling Toronto
I do not think this is costly. You must be careful before choosing this. progress with this site
ReplyDeleteThanks for pointing out the difference between and inspection and tune up. For some reason I thought they were the same thing. That could have caused a problem if I was ready to pay the wrong amount for the heating tune up. This has been a very helpful post.
ReplyDeleteافكار جديدة فى التنظيف
ReplyDeleteتنظيف البيوت من المسئوليه الكبيرة التى لابد من القيام بيها و فالتنظيف من الاشياء الحيوية التى تساعد فى الحفاظ على المكان وتساعد فى الحفاظ على صحتك وصحه افراد اسرتك فاليك افضل الطرق المميزة التى تساعد فى الشعور بالراحه النفسيه والهدوء والسعى الى التخلص من اى تغيرات من الممكن ان تتعرض اليها من اهم ما تقوم بيه الاتى :-
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الاغطيه والمفروشات من اهم الاشياء التى لابد من الحفاظ عليها والقيام باعمال التنظيف باستمرار لانها من الممكن ان تؤدى الى التعرض الى الحساسية والامراض الصدرية فعليك ان تقوم باعمال التنظيف مرة على الاقل كل 6 اشهر والقيام بتنفيض الملايات والمراتب والتخلص من الاتربة ، بالاضافة الى القيام بتغير الملايات مرة كل اسبوع .
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الارضيات ومشاكل التنظيف التى لابد من الاهتمام بيها فافضل الطرق فى اعمال التنظيف للبورسلين استخدام المياه والمنظفات المميزة المخصصه للارضيات ، الباركية شمع العسل وزيت بذرة القنب من اهم الاشياء التى تساعد فى الحفاظ عليها ضد اى تغيرات تتعرض اليها فاليك الطرق المجربة ( امزجى قليل من زيت الفنب وعليه معلقه كبيرة من الخل ومعلقه كبيرة من الكحول الطبى والبدء فى استخدام قطعه من القماش ومسح الارضيات والاهتمام باعمال التجفيف وانتظر النتيجه بعد دقائق)
الهواء الراكد من اكثر المسببات للرواح الكريهه فى المكان ومن اكثر الاشياء التى يحتاج الى تجددها فمن افضل الطرق هو القيام بفتح الشبابيك المتواجده فى المكان والقيام بفتح الشفاط الكهربائى وتغير الهواء المتواكد فى المكان ، او القيام بزيوت عطرية ووضعها فى بخاخات والقيام برش على الارضيات والكنب والاماكن التى بيها روائح كريهه .
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بقع السجاد : من اكثر الاشياء التى من الممكن ان يتعرض اليها وخاصه اذا كان هناك اطفال فى المكان فاذا تم سكب اى كوب او وجود اى بقعه فعليكى ان تقومى فى الحال
بالتنظيف على السجاد فلا تقوم بمسحها فعليك ان تقومى بوضع قطعه من القماش وامتصاصها تماما والبدء فى اعمال التنظيف بالطريقه التى تتلائم مع السجاد .