Friday, January 4, 2013

Furnace Filter: So Easy to Change, So Easy to Forget!

When it comes to maintaining a furnace, one of the biggest mistakes a homeowner can make is neglecting the filter.

It’s easy to forget about the filter, as it is usually out of sight, in a wall or ceiling grille or in the unit itself. A dirty filter can decrease your furnace efficiency and waste energy dollars.  Put a note on your fridge and remember to check the filter every month and change it as needed. (Or sign up to by clicking here to receive a monthly email to remind you to check your filter)

It is easy to change your filter:
  • Pull the filter out and hold it up to the light. If you can’t see through it, or it looks dirty, replace it. Check the filter every month during the heating season.
  • If you need to replace your filter, pay attention to the minimum efficiency reporting value, and if your filter is rated one to four, consider one with a higher rating. (If you have a filter that needs to be cleaned instead of changed, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.)
  • Install the filter correctly. The arrow on the side of the filter should point toward the blower motor. (Toward the duct work if in a grille)
You may also have an air cleaner in your home. A HEPA filter in an air cleaner needs to be changed only every one to two years. If you have an electronic air cleaner, wash the collector plates periodically.

If you are not sure which filter to use, and all filters are not good for your system and can actually cause harm; you can perform a very simple procedure.
Step #1-Take out all return air filters (where the air goes in) in your system. They are located in the ceiling, walls, or in the indoor unit.
Step #2-Go to your thermostat and turn the system to off, BUT, turn the fan selector to “ON” from “AUTO” position. This will run only the inside fan.
Step #3-Go to a couple of supply air registers (where the air comes out). Now feel the strength of the air coming out of the vent. Step away approximately 5 or 6 feet from the register. Now feel the strength of the air flow. Remember this feeling.
Step #4-Install (put) in your new filter/s (you may have more than one in some cases for that system)
Step #5-Go back to the same registers as before. Now feel the air flow strength form the same distance as before (5 or 6 feet). If the air flow strength feels about the same; that/those filters will work fine for you. If the air flow feels significantly less; DO NOT use that filter. It creates to much resistance for your duct system and may cause harm.  You may have to purchase a less efficient filter with less resistance.

1 comment:

  1. Your furnace filter filters the air that circulates through your house. As the filter gets plugged a few things happen.such as: More allergens make it through the filter, degrading the air quality in your home.

    Furnace Air Filters
